Discover Strength and Financial Confidence in Divorce

Meet Rhonda Noordyk
Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ®

Are you living in a confusing, emotionally, and spiritually abusive marriage?

You may feel trapped, unsure of your next steps, and worried about the financial implications of leaving. I’m here to tell you that you are not alone, and there is a path forward. Partnering with Natalie Hoffman and the incredible Flying Free community, I’m dedicated to helping you reclaim your strength, confidence, and financial independence.

As someone who has walked alongside countless women in similar situations, I know the fear and uncertainty that come with contemplating divorce—especially within a Christian context. The spiritual and emotional abuse you’ve endured has likely eroded your self-esteem and left you questioning your worth and capabilities.


You are worthy.
You are capable.
And you deserve a future

free from abuse.

Hi, lovely.

My name is Rhonda Noordyk, and I’ve made it my mission to support women like you through the financial complexities of divorce.

I’m not just a financial professional—I’m your advocate, ally, and confidante in this journey. As the founder of Women's Financial Wellness Center and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ®, I’m here to provide you with compassionate, expert guidance every step of the way.

With over two decades of experience and a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by Christian women in abusive marriages, I believe in your strength and am committed to helping you achieve financial clarity and independence.

The truth is—divorcing an abuser means confronting their web of lies, their attempts to hide assets, and their distorted version of reality.

Too many women suffer in silence because they're overwhelmed by the mental mess created by their abusers. But you don’t have to be ensnared in their deceit. You CAN demand your fair share and emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before.

The secret? Knowing the six steps to advocating for a fair divorce settlement.

…And that’s exactly why I’m offering this crucial information to you—for FREE.


6 Proven Steps to Advocate for a Fair Divorce Settlement

Gain clarity, confidence, and the tools you need to secure a fair settlement while navigating your divorce journey with certainty—all in less than 30 minutes.

Link arms with me in the mini-course, and I’ll help you…

  • Cut through the fog of deception and gain clarity on your true financial situation during divorce.

  • Confidently challenge undervalued assets and make informed financial decisions without second-guessing yourself.

  • Navigate the twisted reality created by your abuser—strategically and proactively.

  • Protect yourself from common tactics designed to financially devastate you.

  • Stand unapologetically for your fair share, refusing to let your abuser gaslight or manipulate you into submission.


Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Download my FREE mini-course, and I’ll guide you through the financial storm of divorce—empowering you to build a future grounded in security and self-determination. Your healing and financial well-being matter deeply, and I'm committed to supporting you every step of the way!